This new and fun game that we have for you is actually a caring game in which your friend would like you to join her and give her a hand. This new and fun game that we have for you next is a facial treatment game in which we would like you to join us and play the role of Evie’s Doctor. Your friend woke up this morning like this and now she is very upset because on her face have poped up some really ugly red dots and while she tried cleaning them out with some powerful skin toners she created an allergy and made her skin worse. Now that she has decided to finally come to you to take care of her, she would like you to join her and give her a hand. We know that you will have a lot of fun playing this new caring game that we have for you, a game in which you will have all the necessary tools and once you click on them , a circle will appear to show you how they need to be used.